SHAWNEE -- Linus: Just think, Sally, when the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch, we'll be there to see him ... ๐
The Great Pumpkin Day returns to the brewery on Saturday, Oct. 12! ๐ We'll release four pumpkin beers and two guest beers! ๐ Sauls Beef will be serving noon to 4 p.m. (or sellout). Suzy Belle's Sweets will have a pop-up shop selling pumpkin treats and other goodies 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Lady MOG will be doing tarot card readings 3-8 p.m. ๐๐ฎ
Beer releases:
๐ Empty Canvas - Pumpkin Cheesecake 6% cream ale with pumpkin purรฉe, pumpkin spices, graham cracker and powdered cream cheese
๐ Worst Fear 8% imperial pumpkin ale with pumpkin and squash purรฉe, pumpkin spices and vanilla
๐ Rise Up - Pumpkin Smores 7% sweet stout with toasted smoked malt, marshmallow, cocoa nibs, vanilla, graham cracker and pumpkin
๐ Dreams in Color - Pumpkin Pineapple 4.5% Berliner weisse with pineapple, pumpkin, lemongrass and vanilla
Guest beers:
๐ Motherโs Mr. Pumpkin 5.2% pumpkin ale with pumpkin and spices
๐ Fat Orange Cat Pumpkin Patch Kittens 7% New England IPA with pumpkin, spices and vanilla